Source code for synbiopython.genbabel.simplednaplot.SimpleDNAplot

# pylint: disable=E0401,C0103,R0912,R0914,R0915,R1702
Synbiopython (c) Global BioFoundry Alliance 2020

Synbiopython is licensed under the MIT License.

This module is to implement the simple plotting of the gene circuit using the modified code
from in DNAplotlib library
# added quickplot style for writing Regulations.
# added new Regulation type: Derepression


    pip install dnaplotlib

import re
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import dnaplotlib as dpl

[docs]class SimpleDNAplot: """Class to generate SBOL visual compliant gene circuit diagram. Regulation type: Connection, Activation, Repression, Derepression Each of the part will be numbered sequentially based on the part type/module from left to right starting from index 0. Example: p0-r0-c0-t0-p1-r1-c1-t1 for two modules with promoter, RBS, coding region, and terminator. Input = "p.pTet r.rbs34 t p.pLac r.rbs32 t" Regulations = "c0->p1.Repression c1->p0.Repression" # The default color is black if color is not specified """
[docs] def set_circuit_design(self, Input, Regulation=None): """Generate the dictionary list containing circuit design information. :param Input: a string containing the individual type of part, followed by color and name separated by a space. :type Input: str :param Regulation: a string containing the from_part to the to_part connected by an arrow. Type of interaction is specified after the topart followed by the color. Default color of black is used is not specified. :type Regulation: str, optional :return: The part information and Regulations stored in the form of list of dictionaries. :rtype: list of dict """ # Types mapping types = {} types["p"] = "Promoter" types["i"] = "Ribozyme" types["r"] = "RBS" types["c"] = "CDS" types["t"] = "Terminator" types["s"] = "Spacer" types["="] = "Scar" types["o"] = "Origin" types["es"] = "EmptySpace" # Colours mapping colors = {} colors["black"] = (0.00, 0.00, 0.00) colors["gray"] = (0.60, 0.60, 0.60) colors["red"] = (0.89, 0.10, 0.11) colors["orange"] = (1.00, 0.50, 0.00) colors["yellow"] = (1.00, 1.00, 0.00) colors["white"] = (1.00, 1.00, 1.00) colors["green"] = (0.20, 0.63, 0.17) colors["blue"] = (0.12, 0.47, 0.71) colors["purple"] = (0.42, 0.24, 0.60) colors["lightred"] = (0.98, 0.60, 0.60) colors["lightorange"] = (0.99, 0.75, 0.44) colors["lightyellow"] = (1.00, 1.00, 0.60) colors["lightgreen"] = (0.70, 0.87, 0.54) colors["lightblue"] = (0.65, 0.81, 0.89) colors["lightpurple"] = (0.79, 0.70, 0.84) # Generate the parts list from the arguments part_list = [] part_length = [] part_idx = 1 for el in Input.split(" "): if el != "": part_parts = el.split(".") part_label = "" part_rgb = (0, 0, 0) if len(part_parts) >= 1: part_short_type = part_parts[0] part_fwd = True if part_short_type[0] == "-": part_fwd = False part_short_type = el[1] if part_short_type in types.keys(): part_type = types[part_short_type] else: print("Error! Please specify the correct part type!") part_label_yoffset = -5 part_label_color = "black" part_label_size = 9 part_label_style = "normal" if part_parts[0][0] == "-": part_label_yoffset = 5 if len(part_parts) >= 2: part_color = part_parts[1] if part_color in colors.keys(): part_rgb = colors[part_color] else: part_label = part_parts[1] if len(part_parts) >= 3: part_label = part_parts[2] elif part_label == "": part_label = "" if part_short_type == "c": part_label_yoffset = 0 part_label_color = "white" part_label_size = 10 part_label_style = "italic" elif part_short_type == "o": part_label_yoffset = -10 part_label_color = "black" part_label_size = 8 part_label_style = "normal" elif part_short_type in ("p", "r"): part_label_yoffset = -5 part_label_color = "black" part_label_size = 8 part_label_style = "normal" else: part_label_yoffset = -5 part_label_color = "black" part_label_size = 8 part_label_style = "normal" if part_parts[0][0] == "-": part_label_yoffset = 5 part_list.append( { "name": str(part_idx), "type": part_type, "fwd": part_fwd, "opts": { "color": part_rgb, "label": part_label, "label_y_offset": part_label_yoffset, "label_color": part_label_color, "label_size": part_label_size, "label_style": part_label_style, }, } ) part_length.append(part_short_type) part_idx = part_idx + 1 # update the part_length to include the numbering to be used for regulations for i in types: n = 0 for a, _ in enumerate(part_length): if part_length[a] is i: part_length[a] = i + str(n) n += 1 print("part_length", part_length) # Update the Regulations from the arguments Regulations = [] if Regulation is not None: Reg_list = Regulation.split(" ") for r, _ in enumerate(Reg_list): first_yoffset = 0 second_yoffset = 0 arc_height_const = 17 arc_height_spacing = 4 arc_height_start = 13 if Reg_list[r] != "": reg_parts = Reg_list[r].split(".") if "Derepression" in reg_parts[1]: first_yoffset = -5 second_yoffset = 4.5 reg_type = "Repression" elif "Activation2" in reg_parts[1]: first_yoffset = -5 second_yoffset = 4.5 reg_type = "Activation" else: second_yoffset = 0 reg_type = reg_parts[1] tofr_part = reg_parts[0].split("->") fr_part = tofr_part[0] to_part = tofr_part[1] fr_part_len = self.compute_dnalength(fr_part, part_length) to_part_len = self.compute_dnalength(to_part, part_length) fwd = (fr_part_len <= to_part_len) or ( "Derepression" in reg_parts[1] ) if len(reg_parts) > 2: reg_color = reg_parts[2] if reg_color in colors.keys(): reg_rgb = colors[reg_color] else: reg_rgb = colors["black"] arc_height_spacing = arc_height_spacing + first_yoffset arc_height_const = arc_height_const + second_yoffset arc_height_start = arc_height_start + second_yoffset arc_height_end = arc_height_start * 1 arc_height = arc_height_const + arc_height_spacing Regulations.append( { "type": reg_type, "from_part": {"start": fr_part_len, "end": fr_part_len}, "to_part": { "start": to_part_len, "end": to_part_len, "fwd": fwd, }, "opts": { "color": reg_rgb, "linewidth": 1.5, "arc_height_const": arc_height_const, "arc_height_spacing": arc_height_spacing, "arc_height_start": arc_height_start, "arc_height_end": arc_height_end, "arc_height": arc_height, "arrowhead_length": 2, }, } ) # Modify the plot of the last Repression before Derepression indices = [i for i, s in enumerate(Reg_list) if "Derepression" in s] indices2 = [i for i, s in enumerate(Reg_list) if "Activation2" in s] Rep = [] for i, _ in enumerate(indices): ind = [] for j in range(indices[i]): if "Repression" in Reg_list[j]: ind.append(j) Rep.append({str(indices[i]): ind}) Act = [] for i, _ in enumerate(indices2): ind = [] for j in range(indices2[i]): if "Activation" in Reg_list[j]: ind.append(j) Act.append({str(indices2[i]): ind}) arc_height_const = 17 arc_height_spacing = 4 first_yoffset = -5 if len(Rep) != 0: for i in Rep: arc_height_spacing = arc_height_spacing + first_yoffset arc_height = arc_height_const + arc_height_spacing Regulations[list(i.values())[0][-1]]["opts"][ "arc_height_spacing" ] = arc_height_spacing Regulations[list(i.values())[0][-1]]["opts"][ "arc_height" ] = arc_height arc_height_const = 17 arc_height_spacing = 4 first_yoffset = -5 if len(Act) != 0: for i in Act: arc_height_spacing = arc_height_spacing + first_yoffset arc_height = arc_height_const + arc_height_spacing Regulations[list(i.values())[0][-1]]["opts"][ "arc_height_spacing" ] = arc_height_spacing Regulations[list(i.values())[0][-1]]["opts"][ "arc_height" ] = arc_height else: Regulations = None return part_list, Regulations
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_dnalength(part, part_length): """Calculate the position for the to_part or from_part for plotting arrows automatically. :param part: the to_part or from_part :type part: str :param part_length: all the parts with sequential numbering starting from 0 :type part_length: list of str :return: dna length :rtype: float """ # dna length dnalen = {} dnalen["p"] = 14.0 dnalen["i"] = 9.0 dnalen["r"] = 14.0 dnalen["c"] = 32.0 dnalen["t"] = 12.0 dnalen["s"] = 10.0 dnalen["="] = 7.0 dnalen["o"] = 17.0 dnalen["es"] = 20.0 dnalength = 0 ind = part_length.index(part) for i in range(ind + 1): p = re.sub(r"\d", "", part_length[i]) if p in dnalen.keys(): if i is ind: dnalength += 0.5 * dnalen[p] else: dnalength += dnalen[p] return dnalength
[docs] def plot_circuit(self, Input, Regulation=None, savefig=None): """Plot the SBOL-compliant gene circuit figure. :param Input: Input design from users :type Input: str :param Regulation: Regulation strings from users :type Regulation: str :param savefig: path to store the output figure :type savefig: str, optional :return: max dna design length and export the gene circuit figure :rtype: float """ # matplotlib.use("Qt5Agg") matplotlib.use("Agg") dr = dpl.DNARenderer(linewidth=1.5) # Process the arguments design, Regulations = self.set_circuit_design(Input, Regulation) reg_renderers = dr.std_reg_renderers() part_renderers = dr.SBOL_part_renderers() # Generate the figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(1.0, 1.0), dpi=100) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) # Plot the design dna_start, dna_end = dr.renderDNA( ax, design, part_renderers, Regulations, reg_renderers ) max_dna_len = dna_end - dna_start # print("Max Dna length: ", max_dna_len) # Format the axis ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) # Set bounds ax.set_xlim([(-0.0 * max_dna_len), max_dna_len + (0.0 * max_dna_len)]) ax.set_ylim([-25, 25]) ax.set_aspect("equal") ax.set_axis_off() # Update the size of the figure to fit the constructs drawn fig_x_dim = max_dna_len / 30 # print("x_dim: ", fig_x_dim) if fig_x_dim < 1.0: fig_x_dim = 1.0 fig_y_dim = 1.8 plt.gcf().set_size_inches(fig_x_dim, fig_y_dim, forward=True) # Save the figure plt.tight_layout() if savefig is not None: fig.savefig(savefig, transparent=True, dpi=300) # return max_dna_len, fig